Monday, 27 February 2017

March - finding your inner child

March - Finding Your Inner Child

Although in Wicca we celebrated the festival of Imbolc last month which symbolised the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the actual 'Spring Equinox' takes place on the 20th of this month at 10.28am.  This is when the sun enters the sign of Aries and shines directly upon the equator and days and nights are of equal length.  We are at last heading towards those longer days....hooray!  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and often referred to as 'the child'.  I always wonder whether most Arians are enjoying their 'first lifetime' for they are often fresh, fast paced, hungry to try everything and sometimes lack the cautious wisdom that the experience of past lives gives the other signs.  Both my Mum and my sister are Arians and interestingly they have a childlike innocence about them in very different ways.  In terms of nature this month the daffodils should all be in flower, (infact I have some looking rather majestic in a vase in my hallway). These remind me of the wonderful actress Shirley Stelfox who adored daffodils.  Somehow they symbolise the resilience of the human spirit, the only indomitable flower able to withstand those cold nights and frosty mornings!  So if you're feeling in need of some inspiration to give you strength, go pick yourself some daffs!

Practical Magic
It seems fitting for me this month, to celebrate our inner  child: the Spring Equinox; the sun moving into Aries; both these things symbolise new beginnings, birth and children.  (Birth can also refer to the birth of an idea which you nurture and watch grow).  The world is so full of 'responsibility' and duty, its difficult sometimes to even raise a smile when we seem to live in an era of commercialisation, materialism and selfishness.  I would like you this month to pause just for a few moments and think of something you love or would love to do that really sums up your inner child.  It might be horse riding or going for a bike ride or getting a huge tub of pick and mix at the cinema.  It could be a favourite comedy that makes you cry with laughter, a silly game, a fairground.  Use your imagination, then go and do that thing that releases the imp inside you and see how it feels!  Becoming a child again for a few hours not only allows us to feel uninhibited but releases any pent up emotion.  It encourages you to rejoice once more in the innocent beauty of simple pleasures which often get forgotten when we are caught up in the rat race of everyday living.  Remember how you feel whilst you are journeying back to your 'child', write these feelings down and refer to them whenever you start to feel life is becoming too heavy  a burden.  Laughter in particular is such a great medicine.

Crystal of the Month - Menalite
I'll be honest, I have only one of these crystals in my collection and when I decided to choose this one for its relevance to this month I could not remember the name of it for the life of me!  This must mean something to me personally although  I'm not sure what yet!  This is a powerful crystal which is often used to aid fertility.  As we have been discussing the Spring and new growth, it seemed very apt to include this crystal.  It is pale grey/chalky white colour with a matt texture and feels wonderful to hold.  It comes in many different shapes, these small stones as pictured are 'woman' shaped , the curves looking very much like the curves of a female.  The stone helps one connect one's soul to mother earth and celebrates everything feminine, from pregnancy to menopause. So although I would recommend putting this stone under your mattress if you are trying to conceive, I would equally urge you to keep it with you if you are approaching the menopause.  It is calming and has a deep solid energy which is both grounding and yet spiritual.  


Archangel Michael Card
This month's card is 'Be Gentle with yourself' and serves as a reminder that you are doing the best you can in the circumstances you are dealing with.  Give yourself a break, slow down and be a bit kinder to yourself.  This might mean eating better, drinking less alcohol, sleeping more and generally looking after yourself ; you deserve it!  

Moody Moon
This month the full moon is on March 12th at 14.53 in Virgo.  Expect to be extra picky at this time, Virgos are a stickler for detail and like things just so.  Remember not everyone has the same standards as you!  The New moon is on 28th March at 03.57 in Aries symbolising new opportunities and offers.  Don't be too hasty, just read the small print and don't be tempted to throw yourself into something new without thinking it through properly first! 
During this month Venus and Mars are both visible in the evenings (Venus only up until the middle of the month).  During the morning you will be able to see Jupiter and Saturn. Venus is the brightest planet and can be seen just after dusk if you look to the west, and mars is just above it but less bright. Jupiter, the second brightest planet can be seen just before sunrise in the eastern half of the sky as can Saturn in the south eastern part of the sky.

Eat: Lovely spring lamb, asparagus, spring onions, rhubarb, Sardines....

Play: Go and pick some spring flowers to brighten up your kitchen hallway or lounge.

Love: your mum.  Its mother's day this month, whether your mum is in this life or has moved onto the next celebrate her strengths.  You don't have to have 'given birth' to be a mum,  celebrate those unsung mums who nurture and love their animals/ nieces/nephews/foster children/god children.