Friday, 25 August 2017

September 2017 Honouring Your Dark Side

September 2017 -  Honouring your dark side

On the 22nd September we celebrate the Wiccan Festival of Mabon, also known as Autumn Equinox. At 21.01 on this date the sun enters the sign of Libra; there is perfect equilibrium between daylight and night.  It is no accident that likewise Libra is known as the sign of balance, symbolised by the scales.  Mabon or ‘Autumn Equinox’ is also known as the second harvest.  The first harvest was celebrated in August (Lammas), notably a time of plenty when the sun was high in the sky and we were rewarded for all our hard work, and encouraged to bask in its glory and enjoy our harvest.  This festival has a darker element to it; we are on the cusp of the earth’s descent into winter.  Plants are beginning to suck themselves back into the earth to regenerate, trees are about to start losing their leaves, animals are preparing for hibernation or the journey to sunnier climes.  The natural world cannot help but affect us, however much we resist it, we too are part of the push and pull of the earth.  We are 90% water and thus we are affected by the moon, like the ocean is, only our  tides are more recognizable as moods and feelings.  You know some days when you wake up and feel deflated or flat and you can’t find a reason why?  Or other times when you have so much energy and feel happy and content? Well the moon has more to do with this than you think!  Some people are more in tune with this and others have just learnt to ignore the basic instinct we have inside of us.

Mabon is named after the welsh god, son of Celtic mother and goddess Modron.  It is told in the Welsh mythological tale ‘Culhwch and Olwen’ that Mabon was kidnapped when he was 3 days old and imprisoned.  He was later freed and transformed into a young god.  His kidnapping symbolises the Autumn Equinox; as Mabon disappeared into the darkness, a tiny seed of a being, only to return fully grown, so the sun and nature’s energy disappears over winter and regenerates in the spring.  Interestingly the naming of this Pagan festival ‘Mabon’ seems to be a fairly recent addition, as researching the story of Mabon there is no mention of his connection to ‘Mabon’ the festival in the old tales. 

Practical Magic

One of the many rituals to perform at ‘Mabon’ is a ritual to honour the dark Mother.  Literally translated in my mind this means meditating on the darker aspects of your own soul. Do you have pain you need to bring to the surface and deal with? Do you have anger or frustration that you need to find an outlet for?  Do you have thoughts and feelings about yourself or others that you are ashamed or embarrassed of?  We all have negative traits, parts of ourselves we dislike.  That is quite normal, the key is not to dwell so much on these so that we lose sight of our gifts, our attributes and our unique magic.  Because Autumn Equinox is a time of perfect balance between dark and light it is fitting that we in turn acknowledge the darkness within us all, give it respect and then banish it, whilst releasing and focusing on the light within us. 

Take a piece of black paper and draw a pentacle on it, (a five sided star) make sure the two points are facing downwards, (see pentacle below)  otherwise it is a sign of the devil!!  Write on this your faults, the things you dislike about yourself or even negative situations that you feel you are in right now.  Burn it.  Take a white piece of paper and draw a pentacle on this too, write your attributes, your gifts all the positive things you have to offer.  Take an apple, (a symbol of Mabon) cut it across the fruit so you can see the pips formation inside.   You will see that they make the shape of a pentacle which is why this fruit is so closely associated with Wicca.  There is also a little circle around the pentacle of pips, this symbolizes the magic circle of protection that one draws around oneself when performing a spell or ritual.   Bury the pentacle of pips along with your white star of your positive attributes.

If you have children at school you will be aware of the Harvest Festival assemblies around September time too, when thanks is given for what we have, and when we collect non-perishable items of food to distribute to not so fortunate folk.   For those of us that don’t have children at school, have your own dinner party/tea party whereby everyone comes with a dish each to share at your house, plus an extra tin of something, so at the end of your meal you will have a bagful of goodies to donate to your local food bank,.  We are spreading the ripple of our celebration of Mabon far and wide.

Crystal of the Month – Turquoise

This beautiful stone has for many years been used as a talisman against evil.  Its protective qualities are still known to this day and it can be used to ward off evil as well as protect its owner from negative energy.  You can use this stone as part of a cleansing ritual to rid your house or office from negative vibes, or just keep it with you as a good luck charm.  It is both calming and balancing and can be used to support you during times of over work and exhaustion.  The colours vary depending on where the stone has originated, but whatever the variations I feel it is such a vibrant positive stone to behold. 

Archangel Michael Card of the Month – Take your time Making This Decision

This card suggests that there is a situation which you are confused or indecisive about.  Don’t feel bullied into rushing a decision, take as much time as you need.  More information will be available to you in the coming days and weeks so don’t jump in with both feet!  Slow down and take your time.  In terms of specific meanings this could be read as ‘Don’t sign the contract just yet/negotiate a better deal/don’t rush a new relationship/don’t be pressurised by other people’.

Moody Moon

This month’s full moon falls on September 6th at 8.02 in the sign of Pisces.  Pisces is a very dreamy sign, and a water sign, so full of emotion.  Expect emotions to be running high especially in the lead up to this full moon.  Your hopes and dreams could be the focus, are you really doing what makes you happy?  Perhaps it’s time to seize the day and make some changes.
The New moon falls on 20th September at 06.29 in the sign of Virgo.  This is a great day to start a new diet plan or health regime!  Virgo is all about health, food, cooking and being precise. 
Planets visible in the evening are Saturn in the south, mercury and mars in the morning from mid-month, and Venus in the west.  There is a Piscid meteor shower on 9th September which will produce about 10 meteors per hour at its peak and can be seen throughout September into October.  They will radiate from the constellation Pisces in the south.

Eat: Apples, plums, figs, grapes, pears, kale, squash, leeks, pumpkin, mussels.

Play: Invite some people round and celebrate Mabon with food, wine and merry making.

Love: Picking your own fruit. (Blackberries are around early September and damsons/apples/pears)